Classwork Becomes Published Article

A new article published by the International Journal of Research – Granthaalayah has familiar names on the author list. Dr. Ming Zhang and DET candidate Tiffany Sutter published an article looking at the correlations between students’ technology literacy scores on the NAEP and their creation of digital products both inside and outside the classroom.

What started as a class assignment in secondary analysis become an opportunity to share research findings with a larger audience. The findings of the study show that there may be ideal frequencies within the classroom for students to create, edit, or organize digital media as well as to create presentations. Interestingly, the daily use of these technologies did not significantly increase technology assessment scores any more than occasional use throughout the month. Students’ use of technology and digital product creation in school had larger impacts on scores than their use beyond school which indicates that teachers should strive to incorporate information and communication technology skills in their lessons, but they should recognize that it doesn’t need to be a daily occurrence.

One consideration for educators to be cognizant of, however, is the way that technology literacy is woven into lessons, activities, and products as it may be different than the way the formal NAEP test measures ability. It means that instructors should make a valuable choice to add technology into the classroom because, as always, it is the learning that matters more than the tool used.

MALDT and DET students are encouraged to find ways to share their research through published articles and conference presentations. In this way, CMU students can stand out as contributors to the educational technology field.

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