Educational Framework – PBIS

For this week I focused on different models and frameworks such as Response to Intervention (RTI), Universal Design for Learning (UDL), Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) which all fall under the umbrella of A Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS). MTSS consist of several tiers and they all address student needs. Some school districts follow four tiers while others follow three tiers. Commonly the first tier is for all students where students’ strengths and weaknesses are studied. Based on the tier 1 results, tier 2 is designed with smaller groups for more personalized instructions. The last tier is designed for  individualized support. RTI is more focused on providing more academic support for students, commonly it is designed for individual students. PBIS is more towards helping students behavioral needs. Typically PBIS is followed by the whole school and not for individual students. PBIS explains to students how to create and maintain a positive atmosphere in the school and stay safe.

Several schools follow PBIS (Positive Behavioral Interventions & Supports). PBIS is a framework based on a proactive approach and focuses on helping students with behavioral management everywhere in the school including classrooms, cafeteria, playground, halls. At the beginning of the school year these expectations are shared with students with easy examples.We think, school-wide PBIS increases the capacity of schools to educate all students utilizing research-based school wide, classroom, and individualized interventions. The main concept is to educate students with the school’s behavioral expectations and the consequences if students fail to follow those expectations, positive and corrective. Once students are made aware of this, typically less than 20% students struggle to follow and need more personalized instructions. Thus, this framework helps the staff to find problem areas, needs and resolve them. Staff also use rewarding methods for students’ encouragement. The goal and expectation from this framework is it helps students with increased academic success and a safe and positive atmosphere at schools. Students are taught and expected to be respectful to everyone including staff and peers, they are educated to take the responsibility of their own behavior and keep the school ground safe for themselves and for everyone else. When the class follows all these rules there can be a celebration on Friday. This celebration encourages students to follow these rules and be responsible citizens for the school.


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