Learning With Technology: A Self-Paced Professional Development Series

Learning With Technology: A Self-Paced Professional Development Series

Learning With Technology: A Self-Paced Professional Development Series

Presented By:

Rachel Freeman, Teacher

Ashton Ibaigin, Teacher

In this capstone, the authors discussed how self paced professional development series can help teachers with integrating technology tools in their class. This series was developed for K-12 educators who were interested in integrating technology in their classroom. While comparing this framework with the Triple E model, the authors claim that this helps teachers to explore the use of technology to plan their pedagogy. As this is a self paced professional development series, it allows them to dedicate the planning time and collaborate with their colleagues. WIth these PD series, teachers can take advantage of technology tools to design interactive and collaborative lesson plans.

In this project authors mentioned “Unlike traditional professional development, self-directed professional development opens learning possibilities for educators in any place and at any time. It allows educators to acquire a wide variety of skills and gain access to training outside the classroom at their own pace.” 

The authors Rachel and Ashton created five self paced modules for this series. The first module was about Research and Goal Setting, where the educators set their goals for learning. While using the technology in education, they talked about the differentiated instructions for the content delivery as synchronous or asynchronous. They also talked about using tech tools such as SeeSaw which—– to Foster a sense of competence. They explained the technology role for collaborative learning by letting students take the ownership of their learning. They also discussed the importance of feedback for student – teacher relationships.

After the plan was laid down, they introduced ed tech tools – Nearpod, stop and jot, pear deck, Jamboard and Padlet. These tech engagement tools are helpful during in class or online synchronous teaching.After introducing these tools, they took a survey from participants. 

They also introduced more gamification tech tools such as Kahoot, Boom Cards, Minecraft For Education, and Google’s Interland. Again they took the survey to understand teachers’ thoughts about it. With these tools they explained the importance of gamification in learning.

The fourth module introduced how to use screencast for asynchronous instructions. “The benefits of this kind of learning include: flexibility, students are not locked to a live lesson time and can pause/play as needed re-watchability, students are able to re-watch any lessons or sections of a lesson they may have been unclear on.”

After introducing this series of information and tutorials in the last module they asked what the takeaway is?

Altogether, it was a very nicely designed professional development series, which definitely will make teachers comfortable with trying new ed tech tools in their classroom.


Presentation: https://drive.google.com/file/d/14gIkna49ikl_VW3esl5TBBcrWqaq7Kf2/view?usp=sharing 

Presentation Materials: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1FLM3na6LPIBfa333LHrQgB-YhYYs_uEbsC0V3-Z-tUg/edit?usp=sharing 

CMICH email to contact: freemr1@cmich.edu | ibaig1al@cmich.edu 

Secondary email: rachelefreeman96@gmail.com | ashtonibaigin@gmail.com 


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