Web Evolution

Web Evolution

Web 1.0 was a first generation of Web used static pages. It allowed the user just to read the information. It was neither user friendly nor interactive. It allowed users to access the information that was written by a small group of people who contributed to it. This information can be accessible to a bigger crowd who has internet access. It was like a book, which you can read but can not be changed or updated. The information provided by the writer is for reading only and readers can not interact / ask questions on these static Web pages.

Web 2.0 was based on user interaction where users could post information in various formats and receive it on the Webpage. The best examples of it are Facebook, YouTube, Amazon etc. Users can use the data in various formats such as text, picture, audio, video and interact with other users. Also they can use their credit card information and engage in online shopping. 

The term ‘Web 2.0’ was officially coined in 2004 by Dale Dougherty, a vice-president of O’Reilly Media Inc. (the company famous for its technology-related conferences and high quality books) during a team discussion on a potential future conference about the Web (O’Reilly, 2005a).

In a Web 2.0 environment users decide how they want to use, interact with, and create information. This contrasts with earlier Web 1.0 environments where one simply read static information on the Web (Morrison & Lowther, 2005).  To design these read-write Web pages technologies such as HTML , CSS were used. ( It reminds me of my first Webpage where I used these technologies to write the code with Javascript framework.) Facebook, Twitter, and personal blogs are widely known examples of Web 2.0.

Web 3.0  services  are  content oriented,  semantic based,  context sensitive  services  based  on technologies  supporting  semantically  enriched  Websites  that  might  support  portable  ID’s  in  order to  use  the Web  as  a  database  and  an  operating  system (Murugesan & San,  2009). It is the third generation in the internet era, widely known as semantic Web. It is based on human and machine collaborative work. Artificial intelligence plays an important role in Web 3.0. With the help of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, humans are trying to train computers to interpret and  predict the information. The examples of Web 3.0 are smart search engines, online digital games, virtual avatar etc. The concept of e-learning 3.0 emerged from the increasing popularity of the Web 3.0 technologies as an educational asset (Rubens, et.al.2011).

Web 4.0,  is the fourth generation of Web. This is a recent evolution in Web technology, which is also known as symbiotic Web. This intelligent, self learning and self organizing Web generation allows all devices to connect in real time with the real and virtual world.

Web 5.0, is the sensory and emotive Web, is and will be designed to develop computers that interact with human beings. This relationship will become a daily habit for many people. Although at the moment the Web is “emotionally” neutral, that is, it does not perceive what users feel and although emotions are still difficult to map, there are already technologies that can measure their effects.  Current Web has no emotions attached to it. Web 5.0 will use neurotechnology to build human computer interaction. With facial recognition and emotional ups and down while interacting can be catched and based on that users will get a response. 


  • References

  • Morrison, G. R., & Lowther, D. (2005). Integrating computer technology into the classroom. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson/Merrill/Prentice Hall.
  • Murugesan, San, ed. (2009):Handbook of Research on Web 2.0, 3.0, and X. 0: Technologies, Business, and Social Applications: Technologies, Business, and Social Applications. IGI Global, USA, Chicago,  ISBN 10: 1605663840,  
  • O’Reilly, T. (2005). What Is Web 2.0: Design Patterns and Business Models for the Next Generation of Software. 
  • Rubens, N., Kaplan, D., & Okamoto, T. (2011). E-Learning 3.0: anyone, anywhere, anytime, and AI. International Workshop on Social and Personal Computing for Web- Supported Learning Communities (SPeL 2011).


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