Website Redesign Status Update 11/19/20

Dear colleagues,

Our ongoing website redesign project has had a lot of behind the scenes work, in addition to the amazing content you as partners have been producing, I wanted to share more information and updates as I have them.

  • The digital team is diligently working through refining Sitefinity playbook documentation gaps. Many of our critical beta users have identified what’s working well and what could use optimization in our training resources.
  • With feedback from our beta group, our development team is working on functionality in Sitefinity to improve rendering and usability items for collaborators.
  • We are evaluating resources across the university for the project to help inform decisions moving forward.
  • While we work through these items we are also examining the appropriate training and page build schedule.
  • We will communicate with our campus partners again soon as we know more about our path forward.

We will continue to have dedicated resources for both the MVP, Phase 2, and Intranet phases of the project. As a reminder, the MVP phase is comprised of pages directly related to recruiting prospective students. If you are not sure which phase you are in, please feel free to reach out. Regardless of your phase, know that the old site is not going anywhere during this process and pages will remain accessible if they are not created for the MVP launch.

We are working to bolster additional support for our campus partners as we collectively finish the MVP pages. We are committed to ensuring you have access to the tools and resources you need to succeed in this website redesign project. We are also identifying the best schedule for Open Office Hours to answer your questions live on an on-going basis.

In the meantime, please continue to do your part by reaching out with questions, reviewing the resources on our blog, and writing content. At any time you are encouraged to reach out to your strategist, or myself via email with questions as they arise. I am proud of the progress and commitment our university partners have to the website redesign project in the midst of the expanding list of priorities and daily tasks. I have been impressed with the creativity of the various departments and teams to break up the workload within their teams. Your dedication to this project will set the standard for our future digital presence.

Thank you for all you have done, and continue to do, for Central Michigan University.

Fire up, Chips!

Lisa Wendland

Director of Digital Strategy, University Communications