Janet Neyer
Cadillac High School
Professional Publications
“What is the Story? Reading the Web as Narrative” in Critical Media Literacy and Fake News in Post-Truth America (Brill/Sense 2018)
“The College-Ready Writers Program at the Chippewa River Writing Project.” CRWP Teachers as Writers Blog, 15 May 2017, chippewariverwp.org/blog/2017/05/15/crwp-at-crwp.
“Vulnerable Learning by Janet Neyer.” Three Teachers Talk, 24 May 2016, threeteacherstalk.com/2016/05/25/vulnerable-learning-by-janet-neyer.
“Why Read? An Infographic Based on Kelly Gallagher’s 10 Reasons to Read.” Featured in Gallagher, Kelly. In the Best Interest of Students: Staying True to What Works in the ELA Classroom. Stenhouse Publishers, 2015.
“Telling Our Stories: Creating Authentic Narratives of Home,” Language Arts Journal of Michigan: Vol. 29: Iss. 2, Spring/Summer 2014
Up North Learning: A Blog About Teaching and Learning in Northern Michigan. http://upnorthlearning.org.
2017-18 Invitational Institute Writing
Personal Writing Portfolio
Professional Writing Portfolio
- Conference Proposal: NWP Midwest Conference
- Podcasts for the Winter Months
- Feedback First, Achievement Last – an inquiry project about grading
- Co-authored chapter: “What Is the Story? Reading the Web as Narrative.” Critical Media Literacy and Fake News in Post-Truth America