Getting Started with HyFlex Instruction

Getting Started with HyFlex: What to Learn First

If you’re considering how to (or struggling to know where to) start, read on. Following this guide will help you gain an understanding of what HyFlex means, and quickly grasp fundamental ‘know-how’ to best proceed with your planning and teaching. Keep in mind; nothing will take the place of practice. Let’s get started…

  1. Watch this 6-minute video for an overview of the Hybrid-Flexible (HyFlex) teaching model.
  2. To determine the hardware configuration you’ll encounter, this knowledge base article contains a full list of classrooms for reference.
  3. Skim the relevant classroom description(s) on our page.
  4. Watch this 11-minute video to discover some general strategy for teaching-two-audiences-at-once.
  5. Watch this 9-minute video to learn more about collaboration in the HyFlex format.

The time investment necessary to address the items above is about 40 minutes, but these suggested steps begin with the assumption, that you possess a solid understanding of Blackboard and WebEx, Teams, or another environment. For an introduction (or refresher) on these topics, see Gaining Critical Technology Knowledge: Web Conferencing, Learning Management, and More.