Considering Your Course Holistically: Focus on the Syllabus

Considering Your Course Holistically: Focus on the Syllabus

Though some may recall a time when syllabi were more decree than agreement, their evolution into flexible guides has strengthened learner-centered teaching. This Fall, course syllabi will play a key role in providing clarity. As you plan your classes, working on the syllabus and course outline are logical places to begin. Here are some things we suggest:

  1. Update your contact information, especially as it relates to ‘Office Hours’. If a student needs to meet, but cannot or should not come to your office, which ‘virtual office’ will you use? Your WebEx Personal Room, or signing onto Microsoft Teams are both great options.
  2. Include fall semester-specific items that speak to differing expectations and procedures in a HyFlex setting. Refer to our samples as ‘copy-and-paste-able’ starting points.
  3. Consider why certain activities, projects, and evaluations typically occur. Adaptation or replacement may be necessary, and considering your purpose will guide those processes. Technology will play a part in most adjustments, making the resources on our ‘Tackling the Technology’ page very helpful.
  4. Incorporate IT’s student technology resources where applicable.
  5. Reach out to students before the first scheduled class to provide guidance for the first meeting, share the syllabus, and begin building rapport. The further in advance the outreach, the better prepared, and at ease, students may be.

Let us help you plan for a season so full of uncertainty. We can review all or part of your syllabus and help you apply research-based strategies. Email us at