Our “Worlds are colliding!”

Our “Worlds are Colliding!”

Our “Worlds are colliding!”

Talk about your transition to remote work, the collision of our home and work lives. What has this been like for you? How has your remote-work and your family-home life merged in expected or unexpected ways?

Example: (Sarah Learman, CIS Staff) “As I was helping my 4th grader with his language arts “home”work this morning, I saw an instant parallel to what I was doing for work (at the same time). His assignment was about idioms and adages, and here I was, coming up with idiomatic catch phrase titles to encourage my peers articulate their experiences with the same things(s).”

This post is part of our What’s Working Forum, a safe space for faculty to talk to one another about how we are still serving our students and the CMU community, and to share and celebrate what we are doing during this era of learning continuity.  We invite you to participate in the discussion in the comments below. Use your Name/CMU Email or keep it anonymous, it is totally up to you. While you aren’t able to copy pictures into the comments field, feel free to show us what you are doing by linking out to hosted photos or content elsewhere.  If you have a question, concern, or another topic idea, please contact us.