Digital Assets

Do you have videos or other materials (such as rubrics) you have created to help students succeed with subject matter in your classes? If so, why not share?

Peter Senge, systems scientist and senior lecturer at the MIT Sloan School of Management, tells us that “sharing knowledge is not about giving people something, or getting something from them…Sharing knowledge occurs when people are genuinely interested in helping one another develop new capacities for action; it is about creating learning processes.” One of CIS’s current strategic initiatives, ‘Share Digital Assets’ embodies Senge’s thoughts. The work we do in CIS, and the work we help you do often yields numerous useful digital assets. Too often, materials remain locked away, put to little if any use. We want to change that by sharing digital assets whenever we can and helping you to do so as well.

One current example of shared assets is the Rubric Repository, which, as of this writing, contains more than 140 CMU-faculty-authored rubrics. To build on the conceptual success of that collection, CIS is in the process of opening a subset of the Chipcast video library, making those videos searchable, and available to the University community. Thanks to Library colleagues and cooperation from Panopto, in time, Chipcast videos will appear alongside other media results in the Library’s SmartSearch tool. If you have rubrics or videos you would like to share, or other ideas about what we might share and how, contact any member of the team or email

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