2019 Teaching and Service Award graphic

Surprise Visits to Announce 2019 Award Winners


Earlier this week, members from the Excellence in Teaching Awards Committee visited classrooms to surprise winners of this year’s Excellence in Teaching Award, Lorrie Ryan Memorial Excellence in Teaching Award, and the Student Choice Award.  In addition, members from the CETL Advisory Council made a surprise visit to present the 2019 Faculty Distinguished Service Award.  We are excited to announce the list of winners along and share a few photos from their surprise visits.

2019 Excellence in Teaching Award

(5 recipients)


April Burke, Ph.D.

English Language & Literature







Brian DeJong, Ph.D.

School of Engineering & Technology







Natalie DouglasPh.D.

Communication Sciences & Disorders





Carolina Gutierrez-Rivas, Ph.D.

World Languages & Cultures





Amy McGinnis, Ed.D.


2019 Lorrie Ryan Memorial Excellence in Teaching Award



Shane Cavanaugh, Ph.D.

Teacher Education & Professional Development



2019 Student Choice Award

Rachael Barron-Duncan



Rachael Barron-Duncan, Ph.D.

Art & Design


2019 Faculty Distinguished Service Award

Robert Fanning



Robert Fanning, MFA





Congratulations to all of this year’s winners!  For more information about each of these awards, visit the Recognition and Awards page on the CETL Website.

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