Between 2005-2012, we held a couple of Dinner and Dialogue gatherings each semester in order to facilitate communication and conversation between the secondary and post-secondary English teachers.
The events were organized and paid for by Central Michigan University, Mid Michigan Community College, and the Clare-Gladwin Regional School District. High school teachers from over a dozen schools in our area participated, as well as many college and university faculty. So, we want to start the conversation again, and we now have a new partner: Saginaw Valley State University. And, while the focus is on teaching writing in high school and college, all are welcome to attend.
Please join us for the renewal of the Dinner and Dialogue series including — a pizza dinner, some door prizes, and a presentation from Marcy Taylor and Elizabeth Brockman of CMU: ““What Do Professors Really Say about College Writing?” — on Monday, Feb. 23 from 5:00-6:30 in Mt. Pleasant. Details are in this Dinner and Dialogue Flyer Final (Feb 2015).
In short, the events are free to you and your colleagues, so please share this message widely!
Also, if you could, we are trying to get a rough estimate on the count for food and door prizes. If you could fill out this quick survey, it won’t commit you to attending, but will help us with planning. Even if you can’t come, please fill out the survey so we can be in touch.
Thanks in advance for sharing the news and planning to join us in two weeks!
Lucia Elden, Mid-Michigan Community College
Troy Hicks, Central Michigan University
Sherrin Frances, Saginaw Valley State University