Over the MLK holiday weekend, Troy and I spent four packed-full days with the NWP New-Site Leadership Institute at the Scottsdale Marriott at McDowell Mountains. The NSLI is an annual invitational retreat bringing together leaders from new sites to explore the work of the NWP beyond the Summer Institute. While there, Troy and I gathered ideas for recruiting potential TCs, discovered different angles from which to look at continuity, considered the yearly budget, and began developing a vision for the CRWP.
One idea that stood out for both of us involved the CRWPs role in teacher professional development. After reading the Rhode Island Monograph, we began discussing the possibilities of combining continuity with the development of TCs presentation skills. By using a regularly scheduled gathering time, a TC will have the opportunity to present a teaching demo, conference session, or professional development seminar to the group. The group then uses a protocol similar to that used in writing groups to help the presenter revise his or her session. This may prove to be a great way to keep TCs connected, spread the name of the CRWP, and to promote promising practice throughout the profession.
The work at the NSLI was GRUELING, and opportunities to enjoy the gorgeous, sunny, 75 degree days were limited to a few stolen minutes here and there, but it was a greatly focusing weekend that left me excited and invigorated for the year to come!