Gaining Critical Technology Knowledge: Web Conferencing, Learning Management, and More

Looking to get comfortable with Blackboard? Want to win your class over with WebEx? Or you’re looking to verify your knowledge and readiness; please read on. This guide offers resources to gain competence with a collection of Blackboard features and check your knowledge, as well as introduces you to resources to help you gain expertise with the WebEx Training Center interface. Let’s get started…

  1. Complete the self-paced Fundamentals of Blackboard Workshop. Blackboard is a robust, and, consequently, a complex environment. This workshop, hosted in Blackboard, will impart the necessary skills to be successful using Blackboard in an array of course formats. Enroll in the Self-Paced Fundamentals of Blackboard Workshop to begin.
  2. Watch the Teaching with WebEx Tour videos, Part 1 (8 minutes) and Part 2 (7 minutes). These videos situate WebEx as a web conferencing tool for real-time connection and discuss practices for hosting a session, explore classroom enhancing features, troubleshooting, and more.

The time investment necessary to address the items above will vary, especially the time required to complete the workshop. For further assistance, contact CIS at or by calling (989) 774-3615.

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